Burning Nest LED Crisp Packet


NeoPixel LED strips, custom controller based on Arduino, foil blankets, coat hangers, mirror ball, diffraction glasses


Burning Nest is a small regional Burning Man event. A 4 day festival run based on the principles of Burning Man.

After several experiments at parties and events organised by friends I took the Glow Stick Crisp Packet to it's first real festival, the Burning Nest.

The space was big enough to fit 3 or 4 people comfortably, but at peak times packed in 8 or 9 people even more comfortably. The glow sticks were replaced with a more sustainable and long-lasting LED based solution (aka the LED coat hangers). Combinations of silver and gold foil blankets create the reflections and a mirror ball was added for extra effect.

Diffraction grating (fireworks) glasses are provided as people enter the crisp packet to further enhance the effect. The result is a totally immersive world of light, colour and reflections.